It’s the end of the line for 'farmed' salmon.

Atlantic Salmon is the most heavily-marketed fish in Australia but it comes at huge cost to the marine environment & animal welfare & with diminishing nutritional value.
It’s time to take industrial Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon off the table.

It’s time to take salmon off the menu

Get the facts

Salmon farms have huge environmental, sustainability and welfare issues.

All Atlantic salmon produced in submerged cages and sea pens are intensively grown using chemicals, antibiotics. They discharge countless tonnes of effluent directly into public waterways already suffering from rapid ocean warming and biodiversity loss.

Photo credit: Corin Smith

visible pollution from salmon farms in Tasmania

Impact On The Environment

Each industrial feedlot spills faeces—roughly equivalent to 6000 people—directly into Tasmanian waterways with untreated sewage and antibiotics fouling water, harming wildlife and smothering reef systems. The industry is permitted to use explosive charges and projectiles against protected fur seals attracted by “dinner” in the cages. Tonnes of industrial plastics— large, small and nano— are spilled into waterways every year. Sea birds die trapped in nets.

Find out more about the environmental issues – click here

salmon farming unsustainable

Undeniably Unsustainable

Fish from poorer nations become feed for salmon on the table of richer nations. The industry is now turning to Antarctic krill— a keystone species—to add to its feed pellets despite growing scientific concern.

Find out more about the sustainability issues – click here

poor fish welfare

Salmon Welfare

In just 3 years, the deaths of tens of thousands of salmon —128,000 tonnes –were reported. Rapidly warming waters and viruses were to blame. The regulations ensure the full extent of the carnage is kept a tightly-held secret and never reported.

Find out more about the fish welfare issues – click here

not a superfood

Not a Superfood

When it comes to salmon, wild salmon may come close to being a superfood but industrial Atlantic salmon is nowhere near.
Industrial salmon shows diminishing “good” fat, Omega-3, and increasing “bad” fat, Omega-6 and trans fats are around double what the industry claims.
Find out more about Not a Superfood