Off the Table AU is The Australian branch of a global coalition campaign coordinated by NOFF (Neighbours of Fish Farming)
NOFF is an independent organisation campaigning to protect Tasmania’s waterways and natural marine heritage for all our communities, wildlife, and for future generations.
We support a transition of industry out of our sensitive marine ecosystems, and the pursuit of more sustainable technological advances for future food security.
Off the Table is led by chefs, and supported by NGOs to raise awareness of the environmentally-destructive practices of industrial salmon feedlots. We are calling on the hospitality sector to take industrial salmon off its menus.
Chef name
Owner, link to restaurant
Worldwide, communities are rejecting an arrogant, unsustainable and polluting industry wreaking havoc on ecosystems.
It’s time to end it in Tasmania
NOFF (Neighbours of Fish Farming)
ABN 473 096 904 52
Tasmanian Incorporated Association Number IA11921
Original design work by Bold-Studio.
Australian version adapted by Halcyon Daze