Eat lower trophic-level fish – fish and shellfish, which are lower down the food chain.
Check out the GoodFish Guide for more information on sustainable alternatives.
Be part of the growing numbers of Australians saying NO to Tasmanian industrial salmon. Engage in letter-writing campaigns to politicians. They should be doing more to protect our waterways. Talk to your friends. Buy a copy of TOXIC, and talk to your local restaurant—request the change. Take industrial feedlot Atlantic salmon, Off The Table.
Contact us to find out how to get involved
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Worldwide, communities are rejecting an arrogant, unsustainable and polluting industry wreaking havoc on ecosystems.
It’s time to end it in Tasmania
NOFF (Neighbours of Fish Farming)
ABN 473 096 904 52
Tasmanian Incorporated Association Number IA11921
Original design work by Bold-Studio.
Australian version adapted by Halcyon Daze